20 Tips for 2020

Dec 18, 2019 | 2 comments

Hello New Year, New Decade!! A new beginning brings new opportunities. Put some thought into your aspirations for 2020 and make a plan to accomplish them. Reaching personal and professional goals only happens with intentionality and effort.

Over my lifetime I’ve used the following 20 lifestyle tips to achieve many far-reaching goals. I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me!


At least six hours every night.

Make time for family

I’ve never once missed my mother’s birthday in-person, and I plan on keeping that record. Life gets crazy sometimes, but memories are worth slowing down to make. 

Be health conscious

You’re not invincible. Take the time to schedule checkups and be aware of your physical limits. Running full speed for long periods of time will catch up to you.

Practice gratitude

It’s a proven fact that thankful people are happier! Start a journal, a word document, a stash of note cards, a list on your refrigerator, a text message chain to yourself, etc.

Listen more

Listening to someone else helps put things in perspective and serve as a reality check

Use your support

A trustworthy and loving support system is invaluable. They make trials easier and successes more fun.


There are many, many people out there less fortunate than you and I.

Remember someone is watching

Whether it’s one stranger or the entire nation, someone will see how you treat others and respond to situations.

Enjoy generational conversation

Occasionally ask a coworker from a different generation to grab coffee with you. Older or younger, you can learn from them.

Give your ideas a voice

Women, especially, voice your thoughts and ideas! Your perspective is sorely needed.

Just tackle it!

Finding a reason not to do something will always be easier than finding a reason to do it. Don’t make excuses.

Talk yourself up

Hopefully you have people around you who offer encouragement, but it’s important to hear good things about yourself from your own mouth. Power poses help, too.

Ask for opportunity

Take initiative by asking for new challenges. You can ask for help along the way.

Become data literate

Decision-makers want proof. Research the problem, be prepared to back up your recommendation with data.

Price your time

Realistically, how much do you think an hour of your time is worth? Does that match what you’re receiving?

Make your own flexibility

Be upfront with your needs at work. If you need flexibility, firmly ask for it.

Stay in tune

The age of ignorance is gone, so know what’s happening around you locally, nationally and globally. But be cognizant of any biases in the outlets you’re following.

Don’t internalize chaos or fear

You can be calm and peaceful amid a chaotic and fearful world, so choose to be! Whether it’s your job, the presidential race, the media’s latest headline or your tense family reunion, you don’t have to be influenced by it.

Learn to take and give constructive criticism

You’re not perfect and not everything you produce is perfect. Take others’ advice and learn to constructively offer it yourself.

Run the marathon, not the sprint

I’m talking about life. It’s a long distance. Pace yourself.



15 + 6 =



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