“It’s to introduce you to the self-assured, confident, resilient state that I enjoy today, and to share with you how it became my everyday reality, that I share my story with you in the pages ahead.”

— Hattie Hill, W3 = Women. Wisdom. Water.

Women. Wisdom. Water.

Womanhood is like water. Being content with femininity is like the quietness of a still lake. And transformation is like the turning tide that smooths out footprints from the previous day and leaves the sandy beach pristine in the morning.

Women. Wisdom. Water. – was written with a specific vision—to create a safe community where encouragement, freedom and resources for practical help are abundant to women. In W3, Hattie finally shares her journey, the wisdom she has accumulated from women during her lifetime, and the beautiful symbolism and importance water represents in a woman’s life. Here, she details how she discovered and put into practice what so many women seek—that strong current of peace within that signifies wholeness and remains steady no matter what circumstances look like on the surface waters above.

“Throughout my experiences, I always found myself walking, sitting, skipping and running carefree in the water. No matter my situation, it has always invoked transformation in me—times when I was in pain, instances of deep hurt, moments of mystery, and periods of confusion.”

— Hattie Hill, W3 = Women. Wisdom. Water.

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